Land Use / Climate / Water

Project focus: Land Use / Climate / Water


Biodynamic Organic Agriculture

Client: Kulturland eG, D-29456 HItzacker
Othmar Schwank served as lecturer for international agricultural policy and farm level accounting (2015-2016) at the vocational diploma School for Biodynamic Organic Agriculture (Fintan Foundation, CH-8462 Rheinau) . This engagement lead to a cooperation with Thomas Rippel, 2016 graduate from the School for Biodynamic Organic Agriculture. Since 2017 joint projects on enabling farm-level solidaric/organic agriculture and land acquision for various clients through Kulturland Genossenschaft DE.


Sustainable Land use in the Alps

Client: FIBL

The Alpine Region hosts a variety of valuable ecosystems on agricuturally managed landscapes. Schwank Earthpartner supports FIBL (Research Institute of Organic Agriculture) in  interdisciplinary research  (thesis paper) and with moderation of research workshops: Scarce resources meet growing food demand: Can we continue with "business as usual“ land-use in the Alpine countries? Analysis of opportunities and constraints for sustainable land use under scenarios of scarce resources and a changing climate.


Adaptation to climate Change Canton Thurgau

Client: AFU Kanton Thurgau

The climate change impact on the economy and society of the Canton of Thurgau was identified in a participative investigation. The state-of-the-art of knowledge has been evaluated and an action plan defined in close cooperation with the cantonal administration by the consortium Schwank Earthpartner/INFRAS.

2010 - 2013

Swiss Emission Scenario 2020 of environmentally active nitrogen

Further Information
Client: BAFU

The critical load of air, water and soil with environmentally active nitrogen from agriculture, combustion processes and waste water treatment exceeds targets for many environmental systems in Switzerland. Reference scenarios and emission reduction goals for 2020 have been compiled and reviewed for FOEN by INFRAS supported by Schwank Earthpartner.