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TERI/INFRAS/Ernst Basler und Partner/LASEN: CDM implementation in India: The National Strategy Study. Summary; New Delhi, January 2005

World Bank/seco/GTZ/MoST China: Study on the application of the CDM in China; Washington, July 2004

Schwank, O: Global perspective, challenges and achievements under the Indo-Swiss-German technology collaboration ECOFRIG. Proceedings of the Conference on Meeting the Challenges in Change over to Ecological Refrigeration New Delhi March 2002

Schwank, O: HFC abatement as CDM option – a crosscutting issue under the Kyoto and Montreal Protocol, JI Quaterly, Netherlands March 2001

Goyal A., Schwank, O. und A. Mathur: CDM Maze: Issues and Options, Tata Energy Research Institute, ISBN 81-85419-73–6, New Delhi, 2000

IPCC Special report on Technology Transfer: Review Editor Chapter 16, Case Studies; Oxford University Press, 2000

Schwank, O von Stokar, T und N. North: Long term Carbon Emission targets aiming towards Convergence: A Comparative Investigation on Carbon Emission Path Options for Switzerland and India; in India’s Energy, Essais on Sustainable Development; Manohar Publishers New Delhi 2000

Schwank O., Schall N. und S. Hess: Workshop report in Study on the Potential for Hydrocarbon Replacements in Existing Domestic and Small Commercial Refrigeration Appliances, United Nations Environment Programme, Mulitlateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol, 1999

Schwank O, v. Stokar, North N: Structural transformation processes toward sustainable development in India and Switzerland SPP Umwelt 1996

Schwank O with Sicars S. and Tiedemann T.: Natural fluid based refrigeration. Trends in Natural Fluid Based Technologies for Domestic and other Refrigeration Applications. 1995