National Communication of Switzerland: Presentation from an Annex I Country at the UNFCCC CGE workshop on “Sustainability of National Communication Systems”, Bonn, June 2011
Further Information
Further Information
CDM in China, Contribution to National and International Goals of Climate Policy, UNI Bern January 2009
Further Information
Further Information
Integrating Climate Change Adaptation into Development Cooperation. OECD-DAC Side event at UNFCCC Subsidiary Body Meetings, Bonn June, 2008
Further Information
Further Information
The Role of Carbon Markets in Transformation of Agriculture towards Organic Farming and Sustainability; Biofach, Side event FIBL, Nürnberg, February 2008
Further Information
Further Information
Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation into Development Cooperation: Preliminary Experiences in Addressing Barriers from SDC’s Pilot Initiatives; OeCD side event at COP11, Montreal, December 2005
Further Information
Further Information
New insights into climate change and their respective importance for the economy and society, Presentation at NEST Assembly of Delegates, Zurich, October 2008
Further Information
Further Information
New insights into climate change and their respective importance for the economy and financial markets. Inrate Breakfast, Zürich Juni 2007
Further Information
Further Information
Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation into Development Cooperation: Preliminary Experiences in Addressing Barriers from SDC’s Pilot Initiatives; OECD side event at COP11, Montreal December 2005
Further Information
Further Information